P.T.A. Annual General Body Meeting

The PTA annual general body meeting was held on the 29th of June 2024. The meeting commenced with a prayer service by Tr. Steffi, Tr. Aida and the team. Sir. Jack and Tr. Pearl  the comperes for the day welcomed the gathering and the dignitaries on the dais. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Tr. Sadikha.

Our resource person for the day was Dr. Jorson  Fernandes who was introduced to the crowd by Tr. Roweena. Our manager Rev. Fr. Alex and Principal madam Melba presented a token to Dr. Jorson Fernandes.

Dr. Jorson in his address questioned the parents about the image  they project. He added that their children are reflection of themselves so good parenting implies supporting and correcting their children. He also highlighted different types of parenting styles and their outcomes with various examples. Your child is a reflection of you in the school so parenting is a duty to support and correct the child. He also highlighted which parenting style to select for best outcome with examples.Tr. Saanvi read the statement of accounts. The new PTA  committee for the year 2024-2025 were elected. The Principal Madam Melba Vas addressed the parents about the rules and regulations of the school and how the parents should take interest and involve in the child’s life.

 The outgoing PTA committee was thanked for their services rendered to the school with a token of appreciation. Thereafter the new PTA committee was welcomed. The day ended with the vote of thanks by Sir Neville.