P.T.A. General Body Meeting

Parents and teachers working together create a strong foundation for student success

The PTA Annual General Body Meeting of Mount Mary Higher Secondary School was held on August 19, 2023. The Manager Fr. Alex John D’Souza welcomed the gathering and this was followed by a prayer service.

The highlight of the day was a very practical and informative session by Dr. Jagdish A. Cacodcar, Prof. and HoD Dept. of Community Medicine, GMC, on the topic ‘Parenting Teenagers in the Digital Age’.
He elaborated on the dangers our teenagers are exposed to and how it was essential for parents to know their child’s friends and keep track of their other activities.

Students who excelled at the Goa Board examination were then felicitated after which the new PTA Committee was elected.

The Principal addressed the parents and informed them about the important rules and regulations of the Higher Secondary School.

The meeting ended with Tr. Sadika proposing the vote of thanks. The compere for the day was Tr. Nelia Pereira.