Inter-class football tournament

On 22nd June 2024 the much anticipated inter class football finals took place in an electrifying match between XII CRM (B) and XI CRM (B). The finals drew a large crowd all eager to witness the culmination of a week of intense competition from 18th to 22nd June from 15 teams representing all streams battling against rains.

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The Inaugural Day

The inaugural day of the new academic year 2024-25 commenced with a Eucharist celebration on 15th June 2024 with the theme ‘Go and proclaim for a promising future’. The Eucharistic Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Christopher, Rev. Fr. Joseph and Rev. Fr. Alex John D’Souza.

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Farewell Wishes to the XII students

May the road rise up to meet you,
the wind be ever at your back
May the sunshine warm you, and
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

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Runners Up at Sci-π 2024

On 27th January 2024, St, Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim organised a SCI-π event for science students of all Goa Higher secondary schools.

Students from XI Science of our Higher Secondary Schools participated in the various competitions.

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